A dedicated platform for all things news

Collaborate with like minded journalists

News Sets are uniquely branded collaborative spaces that allow like-minded individuals to work together to cover a particular topic, sets, or perspective in a way that captivates audiences. In today’s media landscape, amongst countless sources of information, you can create a distinct identity for your team that sets them apart.

By providing a centralized location for discussion and resource sharing, Sets help you leverage your team’s unique skills and talents while ensuring everyone works towards a common goal. With built-in editorial controls, you can feel confident that your stories are meeting the high standards of quality that your audience expects.

What’s truly exciting about these spaces is that they foster collaboration and participation with your audience, empowering them to become a part of the news.

Explore multiple perspectives on important issues

UNPRESS includes groundbreaking functionality that allows you to post, share, rate, and discuss multiple perspectives on any story. While important issues may drive vigorous, sometimes divisive, discussion, we incorporate proven conflict resolution methodologies to help people find common ground.

With Perspectives, you can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of a topic while being exposed to other viewpoints and engaging in thought-provoking discussions with others.

Explore news and information like never before and broaden your horizons with Perspectives. Join the conversation and share your views on the issues that matter most to you on a platform that incentivizes positive interactions. Come and experience a more immersive and engaging news experience.

Empower your journalism with the support it deserves

Discover a new way of supporting and producing journalism through our platform, where journalists connect with a community eager to fund impactful stories. For journalists, this means access to a network of dedicated supporters who believe in the power of truth and are ready to finance the deep investigative work necessary to uncover it. Free from the usual financial constraints, you can focus on bringing critical narratives to light, exploring stories that demand attention with the thoroughness they deserve.

For supporters, your involvement goes beyond mere viewership; you become a vital part of the investigative process. By funding projects, you help break down the barriers that often prevent important stories from being told. Each contribution not only supports the operational and travel expenses necessary for deep journalism but also fosters a healthier, more transparent society where information flows freely and truth prevails.

Together, we are building a platform that will change the landscape of journalism. Whether you're a journalist seeking to delve into untold stories or a person passionate about promoting authenticity, your participation is what makes this dynamic community thrive. Join us to empower journalism with purpose and create a lasting impact on the way stories are told and heard around the world.

Build trust with your audience

As a news creator, including sources and citations in your work is crucial to demonstrating accuracy, authenticity, and transparency to your viewers. By doing so, your audience can determine the veracity of your information, which builds trust.

In addition to providing credibility, researching from different sources elevates the quality of your content by providing a more comprehensive and nuanced perspective. Diversity and transparency are essential in today's media landscape, where misinformation and distrust are rampant.

Prioritizing accuracy and transparency differentiates you from less reputable sources and builds a loyal following of viewers who value and trust your journalism.

Provide meaningful feedback

UNPRESS employs a 5-star rating system for news and information. Treating news and information as a marketplace of ideas rather than an echo chamber is, after all, the responsible thing to do.

Our system benefits both users and creators. It allows viewers to be thoughtful about content quality, considering trustworthiness, objectivity, style, approach, and social impact. As a creator, it provides you with more nuanced feedback to better understand how your content is received and how you can better serve your audience.

Say goodbye to generic feedback and hello to a more meaningful rating system. Join us and experience a more interactive and engaging news experience where your voice matters.

The future is yours, reach out and record it

With the rise of social media and digital platforms, video has become an essential tool for journalists to reach a wider audience and deliver news in an engaging and interactive way. However, how to create video stories that help you stand out from the crowd is only partially intuitive. UNPRESS integrated training is essential for established and aspiring journalists who want to capture stories in a way that words alone cannot.

With UNPRESS, you will learn how to construct a compelling, character-driven narrative. You’ll also learn to conduct interviews, capture the right shots, and how to put it all together to create dynamic stories that will engage your viewers and bring them back for more. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to do this ethically and responsibly, allowing you to rise to the top as a respected, trusted professional.

Once you have a good command of the basics, you’ll have the opportunity to take advanced training in specialty areas, such as war and conflict or food and travel, from experienced professionals passionate about their craft.

If you are interested in telling newsworthy stories that matter but feel intimidated by going out into the field and capturing the news in real-time, then our training will give you the confidence you need.

Join us in elevating people voices

We know that news stories can often harm at-risk, minority, and underprivileged communities. By elevating the voices and experiences of members of these communities, we provide a more accurate, authentic, and nuanced understanding of the issues and their impacts.

Fundamental to our platform, this approach counters biases and stereotypes perpetuated on communities by outsiders. By elevating local voices, we empower and support these communities to correct harmful narratives while advocating for their needs and interests.

Community awareness allows us to provide a diverse, nuanced, and authentic perspective on the issues that matter to those who live them. Join us in elevating voices and promoting community awareness.

Early Access

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Thank you for your interest in UNPRESS. We can't wait to bring it to you!

who’s involved

The UNPRESS team comprises innovators, industry experts, journalism researchers, and some of the industry's best Emmy award-winning freelance journalists. The team is creative, forward-thinking, and skilled in cutting-edge technologies and business strategies. Our industry experts provide valuable insights into transformative journalism practices, while our academic researchers bring a data-driven approach that shapes our strategy and operations.

The UNPRESS team also includes some of the best journalists in the industry who are skilled storytellers with a proven track record of producing high-quality, impactful journalism in areas that range from war and conflict to food and culture.

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